

George St Fashion Show

The next generation of fashion designers, styling and fashion couture were on display again at the annual TAFE NSW Fashion show. Held at ATP, Showtime were at the forefront of designing an effective layout of the room to suit the organisers, designers, models and, most importantly, fashion scouters and crowd.

The 18m runway was well lit with 24 multipars as well as 16 Martin 101’s for effect, across 2 separate sections of flown truss at 18m length for each. Arian Yeganeh, Showtime’s Production Manager commented, “Considering this wasn’t one of the main bays at ATP, it was a little trickier to work with but having the right amount of planning we got it spot on with layout, rigging and equipment…The room looked great for all involved and overall it was a smooth operation from our end” The lighting was complemented by 8 x Nexo PS15’s for an even distributed sound across the space.

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